What would your life be like if you could stop being stuck in the same film over and over again?

Learn to break out of the ever same routines, to feel better and more free, and to realize your potential.

The Grinberg Method® is a fairly young learning method that places the body at the center of attention. The body is seen as the place of all psychic and mental events; man as a creature capable of life-long learning. In my work with the Grinberg Method® I concentrate on the correlation between physical well-being and acquired habits.

Many of our problems, afflictions and limitations are self-made, by our being the same way time and again. We have learned to always react in the same manner to certain situations; in our motions and behavior patterns, but also in our emotions and thoughts. In time these automatic repetitions create bodily symptoms, discontent or even illness. 

Even when we are aware of these automatisms it can seem impossible to influence them. Or we can’t even tell the difference between our real selves and our acquired personality any more. We come to believe that this is how we are.

The good news: just as we learned these patterns we can learn to stop them and find our way back to our wholeness – to ourselves; to the abundance and variety of our being.

Learningto beyour self

In a first meeting we find out together what the goal of our collaboration is; what you wish to achieve and what has kept you from reaching that goal so far. 

You then learn how to become more aware of your body and to gain influence over your physical and mental state (e.g. letting go of excessive effort, becoming calmer, breathing more deeply …), at first lying down, later also while sitting or standing up.

You experience on a bodily level what the state you wish to learn to influence feels like. You practice recognizing these habits, stopping them and becoming free of them as well as opening up to new possibilities and experiences.

My main tools in these sessions are touch, description, breathing and body movement.

A single session usually lasts one hour. Sessions generally take place once a week.

However, a more “intensive” approach may be better suited to your needs and your life. In this setting, two sessions a day on several consecutive days can bring about profound changes concerning a particular subject or particular afflictions. 

For people who wish to dive even deeper and really take time for themselves I also offer 90 minute sessions.

For children a 30 minute session is usually ideal.

This perception training is specifically designed for you. My intention is to find the exact way of learning that will best help you to have new experiences. 

Where it makes sense for you, I may give you exercises to do between sessions. This may include physical exercises that bring you more closely into contact with certain areas (?) or suggestions on where you can focus your attention in situations concerning our goal.

The essence of this body work is to strengthen your resources and give you tools that you will profit from permanently, even after the end of this process.

Do you have any questions?

Would you like to schedule a trial session or a meet-and-greet?

Basically any wish for change can be the motive for a session – the need for personal growth and development as much as mental or physical strain.

Some people come to me with a clear idea of what is bothering them, while others merely know that they want constructive change in their life. They all share the readiness to do something for themselves and let something new into their life.

Go to: Sample Topics

where working with the Grinberg Method® can help very efficiently:


  • to make your relationships constructive, respectful and fulfilling
  • to learn to deal with anxiety, restlessness, nervousness and other unwanted feelings and even draw strength from them
  • to reduce stress, be more relaxed and attain inner calm
  • to sort your thoughts and your life
  • to make decisions more easily
  • to strengthen your will and become more persistent
  • to better tap your full creative potential
  • with breakups and mourning; to deal with the pain and grow from it
  • to learn to say “no” without exploding or growing bitter
  • to look after yourself and treat yourself well, kindly and with appreciation
  • to reduce stress in matters of time or money
  • to trust yourself or believe in yourself more
  • but also with acute and chronic pain (headaches, backache, migraine, stomachache, menstrual pain, breathing difficulties, indigestion, after injuries or operations and more). 

In working with pain the focus is on letting go of any relieving posture. This way blood circulation is improved and your self-healing powers are activated, which can lead to complete recovery in the shortest time.

In all of these cases the Method replaces neither necessary medical, psychiatric or psychotherapeutic treatment, but can complement it (after consultation with your physician or therapist) and increase its effectiveness.

If you are unsure whether your particular concern can be treated with my services, please feel free to contact me!


It is my mission to accompany people: out of their problems and afflictions and beyond their supposed limits, on their path to themselves.

Born in Lower Austria in 1968, I have been living in Vienna for many years. Since 2010 I am an independent qualified practitioner of the Grinberg Method®, working from my own practice since 2011.


Training and education:

  • 2010: diploma as qualified practitioner of the Grinberg Method®
  • Since then ongoing advanced training in international courses (e.g. with Avi Grinberg)
  • Diploma as holistic dance and motion educator
  • Member of the international trade organization (www.iagmp.com)


  • University degree in psychology in Vienna
  • Job experience as psychologist in the fields of stress release, biofeedback, relaxation training
  • Propaedeutic studies at ÖAGG
  • Additional training in project management
  • Additional training as nutritionist and preventive medicine coach

Mag. Brigitte Schlegel
Practitioner  of the Grinberg Method®
Mariahilfer Straße 124/18
A-1070 Wien

Tel.: +43 699 197 100 85
Email: bri.schlegel@gmail.com